What’s all the fascia-bout Fascia?

What’s all the fascia-bout Fascia?

Fascia is ALIVE and electric! It contains nerve endings and cells that adapt and respond to stimuli within and around fascia. Deep fascia envelops and penetrates muscles, giving rise to the term Myofascial, pertaining to both muscle (myo-) and fascia. Fascia wraps around each muscle and also around groups of muscles with similar functions creating muscle compartments. To further zoom out, fascia organizes itself into broader chains of fascia that create relationships between muscles extending from feet to head! 

Cupping Therapy 101: For Olympians and You!

Cupping Therapy 101: For Olympians and You!

Cupping therapy is a myofascial bodywork technique that has immediate effects on the soft tissue structures of the body. Cupping can be described as an inverse of a massage. Instead of pressing down into the muscle tissue, a suction is created using either glass or plastic cups to pull up on the fascia and muscles. This allows the local tissues to soften and relax, decreasing pain and improving range of motion.

How To Care for Neck Pain in the Age of Zoom

How To Care for Neck Pain in the Age of Zoom

Sitting in front of the computer isn’t a new phenomenon, but with the pandemic having us spend more of our time working, socializing, and scrolling the latest news on the screen (again and again), we all are spending longer hours with our laptops. This has made neck and upper back pain issues really take on a life of their own.