Video- Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

In this short video I’m going to talk about acupuncture for low back pain.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective therapy for treating back pain. It is recommended as a first-line therapy for chronic low back pain by The American College of Physicians and The Joint Commission. Acupuncture helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote tissue healing.

New patients often ask what to expect during their first treatment. When a patient comes in with low back pain I first do a thorough history of their complaint and conduct a physical exam, including a lot of palpation to identify tight or tender areas. Based on the initial findings, I will choose acupuncture points in the low back in addition to points elsewhere on the body, perhaps on the legs or arms or even the head or ears, to facilitate pain relief and optimize the body’s healing response. 

The effects of treatments builds upon each other, so it is recommended that a patient complete a series of treatments for the most sustained and effective results. Most patients with acute back pain benefit from 4-6 treatments, while those with chronic back pain will likely need more, perhaps 8-10 visits, but individual treatment plans vary.