Align your Body and Mind with the Spring Energy

Spring is trying to be sprung outside in Oregon, and while we still might have moments where we feel like we’re in winter, our bodies and minds have already been going through the spring energetic shifts. Syncing with the seasons is very important in Chinese Medicine, both physically and emotionally.

Picture a seed that has been under the soil all winter, that is now trying to sprout and push its way to the top and grow in the sun. This intense, upwards, growing energy is what also surrounds us in the spring. The organ associated with spring is the liver, the associated emotion is frustration, the color is green and the element is wood. If you find yourself having trouble sleeping, especially if you’re waking up between the time of the Liver 1:00-3:00 AM, then it might be time to get some acupuncture and do some of these activities and diet changes to help align with spring! Whether or not you have any adverse symptoms arriving in spring, everyone can benefit from aligning with seasons, as it maintains Qi strength and overall health and well-being.

Liver health in the spring is especially important. Taking a few minutes each day to do liver-purifying Qigong (click here) is an excellent way to keep the Liver Qi moving freely. Stuck Liver Qi can manifest as frustration, anger, menstrual issues, depression, irritability, poor stress response, and/or excessive dreaming at night.  Other ways to help the liver are to eat seasonal foods such as sauteed fiddle heads (can be found at the farmers markets right now), sprouts, and bitter greens such as dandelion leaves and mustard greens. Also drinking dandelion leaf or root tea is excellent at cleansing the liver as well as roots such a burdock. Mung beans are a gentle but potent Liver purifying food and have a cooling nature to the Liver. In Chinese Medicine the Liver is prone to having what we call excessive heat, which makes Liver-cooling foods in spring even more important. Springtime is also the best season for drinking green tea, which has a liver-detoxing and cooling effect.

Another way to sync with spring and nourish your Liver is to take walks in the woods and take in all the green. This isn’t something that just the Chinese Medicine practitioners figured out, but modern studies have been done on the calming effects of seeing green as well. Even if it’s just 5 minutes during the day, this can help regulate your mood and bring your Liver some green spring energy.

Book an acupuncture session today in addition to trying these things at home to align with spring! Acupuncture can help with spring allergies too.