Happy Lunar New Year! Welcome the Year of the Ox!

Lunar New Year lands on February 12, 2021 and signifies the beginning of the next cycle in the zodiac calendar. Welcome to the year of the Ox! The Ox is strong, hardworking, and steadfast in nature. These qualities will help guide us as we continue to make our way through the pandemic. Now is the time to stay strong and steadfast as we stay safe while moving step by step toward recovery.


The Ox is grounded in the earth element and helps sow the seeds for future harvests. The Ox is the 2nd year in the 12 year cycle. Seeds we sow now will come to fruition and grow over the next 11 years. This is a year to plant the seeds of our visions, intentions, and hopes for a better world. With the hardworking nature of the Ox these seeds can take root and grow strong in the coming years. Now is a great time to think about what seeds you’d like to plant in your life, in your community and in the world at large. 

The Ox itself represents the earth element in 5-element theory, which shares a relationship with the digestive system. Nourish the earth element in your body by eating nourishing vegetables and grain, such as root veggies. The Ox and the earth element thrives on routine and rhythm. Establish a healthy, well-balanced routine for your day that includes regular, balanced meals, routine exercise or movement breaks, and a regular bedtime to get good-quality sleep.

It is also time to consider how you nourish yourself energetically and ask yourself how the things around you could better feed you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Consider how the books you read, the media you consume, the podcasts you listen to make you feel? Do you feel nourished and energized from those endeavors? How do your relationships and your home feed and support you? And how can you help nourish those around you in turn?

With the very earthy Ox falling in a metal year, there are added things to consider. In 5-element theory, the earth element precedes the metal and can help generate a more sturdy metal. In our bodies, the metal element manifests in the respiratory system or the lungs. The Ox’s strength and determination helps plow the earth to cultivate the seeds and plants which in turn ensure the air around us is healthy and safe to breath, in turn nourishing our lung qi.  

To help nourish your lungs practice deep belly breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. In this style of breathing you center your breath in your core and expand your belly with each breath rather than only using your chest. You can gently place your hands on your lower abdomen to help draw your awareness to your belly while you breathe. Deep belly breathing engages the diaphragm in a way that can improve the functional capacity of the lungs, and actually helps massage your digestive organs to support healthy movement of the gut, too!

Take some deep breaths, think of all that you are grateful for in your lives, and take a moment to celebrate the arrival of the year of the Ox! Wishing you all nourishment, transformation, happiness, and health in the coming year!